Maclin Armour

Coaching, Mentoring & Challenge

I often work with clients who want me to come in regularly to work with the sales team, the Sales Director and sometimes board members, to offer coaching and mentoring on everything from managing the P&L through to pipeline management and bid management. Sometimes this involves challenging beliefs or established ways of doing something or very often challenging the sales team on why their pipeline looks the way it does, challenging a bid strategy or an Account Plan. This delivers value on two fronts;

  1. Training: Classroom training is of limited value. Challenging real life sales scenarios and offering alternative ideas helps sales staff to learn more effectively rather than studying theory.
  2. Win rate: The advice and expertise brought to bear in these sessions might be the difference in winning a key deal. Equally, being regularly challenged in a positive and constructive way focuses the mind and drives innovation

This style of engagement is on a retainer basis for an agreed number of set days per month and charged at an agreed Day Rate.